
“身体是革命的本钱!” 在异乡奋斗的我们,首先最需要的是一个健康的身体,才能为学业工作而努力。然而,在美国看病往往成为留学生日常生活中的一大痛点:不知如何表达身体不适、专业术语混淆不清、高额账单毫无准备、保险报账一窍不通……别担心!虎虎将讲解如何准确表达自己的身体征兆,让医生可以为我们对症下药,从而在医院安心就诊,高效解决病痛。




Cold Fever
General Pain
Allergy Symptoms
Vaccine Problems
Sleeping Problems
Gastrointestinal Problems
Blood Pressure Problems
Female Disease
Male Disease
Dental Problems
Eye Problems
Are you experiencing a cold?
I have a sore throat and a running nose. My eyes feel itchy, and I’ve also been experiencing dizziness.
Have been sneezing or coughing a lot?
Yes, I have a hoarse cough and at times, have lost my voice. I have also been coughing up Phlegm/mucus.
Any stuffy nose or fever?
Last time I checked; I had a 103 degrees fever.
I am currently experiencing aching bones and joints.
Are you only experiencing pain in your hands and feet or throughout your entire body?
I have pain, redness, and swelling in my right foot. The pain gets worse after I exercise.
Are you experiencing any other kinds of pain associated with this?
Yes, my back and shoulders hurt as well.
Okay, looks like you have a swollen ankle and a wart-like lump on the bottom of right foot. It’s recommended that you should have an x-ray as soon as possible.
How do you feel?
My face and eyes feel itchy.
Are you allergic to anything?
I used to have hives/ skin rashes.
You should first avoid scratching itches.
I have been feeling sick recently in the flu season, should I take another flue shot?
Do you have any Proof of Immunization Compliance?
Yes, I had received the MMR shots and the Varicella shots.
Ok, Flu shots can be received once or twice a year.
I will think about it. Any other vaccines I should consider?
According to your record, you should possibly take one more shot of DTaP.
How is your sleep quality?
I have occasional nightmares.
Do you feel sleepy at night, or is it hard for you to concentrate in daytime?
I will easily wake up during the middle of the night or in the early morning, then I can’t fall asleep.
I feel like I’m having tight chest and it makes me suffocating.
Do you exercise a lot these days? So you feel difficulty breathing?
It’s just when I breath, it is more like wheezing.

I suggest that you need an aerosol therapy now.

My belly feels a little too full and I always feel pain after meal.
Where does it hurt? Upper, lower, left or right abdomen?
I am not so sure, but I did fart a lot these days. I haven’t pooped in a while and I guess I may have constipation.
Have you noticed any bleeding when you have diarrhea?
I have been feeling some pain when I poop and I saw blood after wiping.
These days I sweat a lot and feel extremely tired.
Have you experienced high blood pressure before?
Sometimes I feel dizzy and have tight chest when I bend over or lie down. These days I am always thirsty and urinate so often.
Any double vision or bulging eyes?
No, just some ear pain and buzzing.
Are you experiencing any infections or just menstrual cramps?
My period is three weeks late this month,and I have heavy bleeding. And last time there are occasional spotting of blood between periods.
Do you have any vaginal discomfort or discharge? Any unpleasant odors?
No, but I do feel my right breast hurts and it’s swollen.
Okay let’s see, it could be breast lumps
I think I have trouble peeing.
Found any discharge from your penis?
Nope, just that I have burning pain when urinating.
Ok, we need to check if there are any testicle lumps. Difficulty holding or releasing urine?
I pee less these days and have small urinary stream.
We will take samples and check if the urine is cloudy and has strong smell
I feel pain and swelling in the gum tissue and jaw
Any red or swollen gums?
The gums do bleed sometimes, the tooth hurts when I chew
You don’t really have bad breath, but you do have 4 cavities which need a deep cleaning and several fillings.
I just removed my wisdom teeth, so I might want to do that later.
No problem. We can arrange braces treatment, whitening or root canal treatment anytime.
Would you like to see eye doctor or optometrist?
I want to check about if I got keratitis, trichiasis, or corneal foreign body. My right eye has been itchy recently.
Sure, this is a slit-lamp for our examination, do you have any floaters, double vision, or gritty feeling in the eyes?
No,I am just near-sighted with slight astigmatism.
You have inflammation now, should avoid any contact lens recently.
Let me first meaure your heart beat and blood pressure, and tell me about your sleep quality and overall feelings.
I felt extremely anxious and can not sleep well recently.
How long has it been? Any diabetes, or hearing voices or seeing objects?
I think I have memory problems that I will easily forget things and I am too stressed out.
I need to follow up on the hallucination and disorientation, how about we schedule our next session of consultation.

Last week I have patellar fracture, now I am here for a follow-up.
Sorry to hear that, you still find any tenderness, hematoma, or joint stiffness?
Still a bit, there is some hematoma.
Let me check your ligament, and then we change your bandage and plaster.
Are you experiencing any infections or just menstrual cramps?
感染? 痛经?
My period is three weeks late this month,and I have heavy bleeding. And last time there are occasional spotting of blood between periods.
Do you have any vaginal discomfort or discharge? Any unpleasant odors?
阴部发痒, 阴道分泌异物? 异味?
No, but I do feel my right breast hurts and it’s swollen.
Okay let’s see, it could be breast lumps
I think I have trouble peeing.
Found any discharge from your penis?
Nope, just that I have burning pain when urinating.
Ok, we need to check if there are any testicle lumps. Difficulty holding or releasing urine?
I pee less these days and have small urinary stream.
小便比平时少, 小便不畅通。
We will take samples and check if the urine is cloudy and has strong smell
I feel pain and swelling in the gum tissue and jaw
Any red or swollen gums?
The gums do bleed sometimes, the tooth hurts when I chew
牙床有出血, 咬东西时牙齿痛。
You don’t really have bad breath, but you do have 4 cavities which need a deep cleaning and several fillings.
I just removed my wisdom teeth, so I might want to do that later.
No problem. We can arrange braces treatment, whitening or root canal treatment anytime.
Would you like to see eye doctor or optometrist?
I want to check about if I got keratitis, trichiasis, or corneal foreign body. My right eye has been itchy recently.
角膜炎,倒睫 或是角膜异物。眼部瘙痒不适。
Sure, this is a slit-lamp for our examination, do you have any floaters, double vision, or gritty feeling in the eyes?
No,I am just near-sighted with slight astigmatism.
You have inflammation now, should avoid any contact lens recently.
Let me first meaure your heart beat and blood pressure, and tell me about your sleep quality and overall feelings.
I felt extremely anxious and can not sleep well recently.
How long has it been? Any diabetes, or hearing voices or seeing objects?
I think I have memory problems that I will easily forget things and I am too stressed out.
I need to follow up on the hallucination and disorientation, how about we schedule our next session of consultation.
Last week I have patellar fracture, now I am here for a follow-up.
Sorry to hear that, you still find any tenderness, hematoma, or joint stiffness?
Still a bit, there is some hematoma.
Let me check your ligament, and then we change your bandage and plaster.
Are you experiencing a cold?
I have a sore throat and a running nose. My eyes feel itchy, and I’ve also been experiencing dizziness.
我嗓子痛, 流鼻涕,还有头晕。我的眼睛还发痒。
Have been sneezing or coughing a lot?
Yes, I have a hoarse cough and at times, have lost my voice. I have also been coughing up Phlegm/mucus.
Any stuffy nose or fever?
鼻子堵塞? 发烧?
Last time I checked; I had a 103 degrees fever.
I am currently experiencing aching bones and joints.
Are you only experiencing pain in your hands and feet or throughout your entire body?
I have pain, redness, and swelling in my right foot. The pain gets worse after I exercise.
Are you experiencing any other kinds of pain associated with this?
Yes, my back and shoulders hurt as well.
Okay, looks like you have a swollen ankle and a wart-like lump on the bottom of right foot. It’s recommended that you should have an x-ray as soon as possible.
How do you feel?
My face and eyes feel itchy.
Are you allergic to anything?
I used to have hives/ skin rashes.
You should first avoid scratching itches.
I have been feeling sick recently in the flu season, should I take another flue shot?
Do you have any Proof of Immunization Compliance?
Yes, I had received the MMR shots and the Varicella shots.
Ok, Flu shots can be received once or twice a year.
I will think about it. Any other vaccines I should consider?
According to your record, you should possibly take one more shot of DTaP.
How is your sleep quality?
I have occasional nightmares.
Do you feel sleepy at night, or is it hard for you to concentrate in daytime?
晚上入睡困难? 白天精神不集中?
I will easily wake up during the middle of the night or in the early morning, then I can’t fall asleep.
I feel like I’m having tight chest and it makes me suffocating.
Do you exercise a lot these days? So you feel difficulty breathing?
这几天你有运动量过大吗? 上气不接下气?
It’s just when I breath, it is more like wheezing.
I suggest that you need an aerosol therapy now.
My belly feels a little too full and I always feel pain after meal.
我的肚子胀胀的, 餐后经常肚子有阵痛。
Where does it hurt? Upper, lower, left or right abdomen?
I am not so sure, but I did fart a lot these days. I haven’t pooped in a while and I guess I may have constipation.
Have you noticed any bleeding when you have diarrhea?
I have been feeling some pain when I poop and I saw blood after wiping.
大便时很痛, 肛门出血。
These days I sweat a lot and feel extremely tired.
Have you experienced high blood pressure before?
Sometimes I feel dizzy and have tight chest when I bend over or lie down. These days I am always thirsty and urinate so often.
弯腰或躺下时,胸部闷, 常常感到非常容易口渴和小便频繁。
Any double vision or bulging eyes?
视线重影, 眼睛觉得有点肿胀?
No, just some ear pain and buzzing.